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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Day 14 - And The Candidates Feel It

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed Mar 14, 2012 at 04:14:48 PM EST
    Tags: Congressmen, Dan Benishek, Dave Camp, Scandals, Information (all tags)

    But no worries.  The troops are getting armed with counter propaganda.

    The fact that the MiGOP leadership is in full blown damage control was evident from the 15 minute visit by a credential's committee member on Monday.

    To allow the argument that the post election rules change was not really a change, the video stood alone and unchallenged by our pens in the presentation.  Of course what happens behind the scenes, and in other commentary is another matter entirely.  Grand Traverse County was not the only place to get the visit, and the point was to get out the counter message to the story we have been telling here.

    And it is working for some.  

    Honest, politically active women who were present for the explanation presented here took it to heart that no change was made.  And the damage control measures are working to some extent.  

    One particular event which demonstrated this was the visit by CD1 Dan Benishek, who came to Traverse City to officially announce his reelection, and introduce himself to the new section of the district that was expanded by the reapportionment.  During a question and answer, Dr. Dan was asked by one woman: "How do you expect us to support you during reelection with all the backhanded dealings in the Michigan Republican leadership?" (paraphrased slightly) The question stumped the esteemed congressman, who went silent and staring for a period until rescued by two of those politically active advocates, who essentially said that Sharon explained it all so its not really that way.

    And then the Q&A was over.

    A job well done ladies.  More below ~

    Because "she says so," doesn't pass the smell test though.

    Given the actual event, the evidence, the appearance,and the stated subjectivity of the players, its somewhat of an amazing thing to watch people that consider themselves rule of law, conservative, or otherwise holding of common sense to fall in line so easily.  Its not only amazing, but disheartening to know that folks who are truly capable of discerning right from wrong would so easily accept an explanation that not only defies what the evidence provides, but would fight their own efforts in bringing back accountability to our leadership.

    Leadership that can only be an logical extension of the not-so-incompetent manipulation of our trust in the party. Because our political stalwarts sure as heck don't appear to be privy to what is going on.  

    The elected ones are on a need-to-know basis.

    Why would Dan Benishek, who is obviously a capable man, a doctor, and has a successful political career not know how to answer such a question?  In fact why wouldn't he have an answer prepared?  Certainly the guy with him, Jesse Osmer would have filled him .. ohh   wait a minute, I .. never mind.

    Yes, I have seen this before.

    "Don't trouble the good congressman with the sordid details of what is going on in the state.  It confuses them."  That isn't a real quote, but might just as well be if one were to talk to the political chess players in the MiGOP.  It was pretty much the same thing with Dave Camp in 2010.  He knew (or claimed to know) little to nothing of what was going on with the fake Tea Party shenanigans in the middle of the entire affair.

    I had to fill him in at a social political thing here. (something I may never be invited to again)

    He was oblivious to the fact it was going on, as Dr Dan was seemingly unaware of the "Dele-Gate" fiasco.  And given this most recent event, I wonder how sequestered these representatives of the sheeple truly are?  How insulated does one have to be to not have the most rudimentary knowledge of potential scandal that surrounds their own election efforts in the fall?

    If it were me, it wouldn't be tolerated.

    In this case, Dr. Dan could have asked for an opinion as to WHY SAUL ANUZIS and the rest of the gang should be allowed to keep their post.  In Camp's case? Who knows?

    Those legislative assistants who manage Facebook accounts, twitter feeds, take constituent calls, and do press releases with the boss' signature attached, need to be straight up with all manner of aberration that could embarrass.  The man (or woman) who would speak for the folks who elected them, needs to be better prepared, and armed for potential verbal conflict that now is an expected part of any affair.

    If they don't, they should be fired.

    < Because The Question Needs To Be Asked | Day 15 - A History >

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    Yaaaawwwwwnnnnnn (none / 0) (#1)
    by mccarthy on Wed Mar 14, 2012 at 08:39:45 PM EST
    I believe you are the only person in Michigan that gives a crap about this.  Benishek is working his rear end off to beat back the Obama agenda, learn a new district and defend against another Dem onslaught to take back this seat.  What a shocking thought that this ridiculous fight over 1 delegate hasn't risen to the top of his agenda.  Of course it is more important that fighting Obamacare, fighting out of control spending, fighting back against those who want to raise taxes, fighting those that disregard the Constitution.  What world do you live in?  

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