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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Quick! Alert The Flea Markets

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 30, 2012 at 09:20:55 AM EST
    Tags: MDP, Senate Democrats, Senator Gleason, Wasting our Tax Dollars, Medieval Symbolism, Bloodletting Poles, Government Expansion, Government Overreach, Ridiculous Regulations, Anyone but Stabenow, NObama (all tags)

    If one needed anymore proof that the Democratic Party is the Party of NEVER CHANGE the course of our ever expanding intrusive government, the Detroit News had a great article showcasing Michigan Senate Democrats championing the fight for .. bloodletting poles.

    The issue is important enough to state Sen. John Gleason that he has introduced legislation that makes it clear only licensed barber shops should have the right to display a barber pole.

    When he was in high school, he and his friends would go to the barber shop every Saturday morning. It was the "social center" of his hometown, the Democrat from Flushing said.

    "Fifty years ago, you knew if you saw the red and white pole, you knew there was a licensed barber in there," Gleason said.

    Or, in other parts of the globe its a good front for brothels.

    Gleason introduced a bill in November to try to ensure the barber pole is only displayed outside a licensed barber shop, not every place that offers hair cutting services. Most beauty salons with cosmetologists don't have barber poles outside, but Gleason said he wants to prevent the barber pole symbolism from being watered down.

    The significance of that red, white and often blue striped -- usually rotating -- barber pole dates back to before modern medicine, when barbers performed minor surgeries, like teeth pulling and bloodletting to rid the body of disease, barbers said. Each color is a different symbol -- white for bandages, red for blood and blue for veins -- and the rotation represents how the bandages were applied.

    Yessirree.  Welcome to the Michigan Democratic Party's mid 1300's vision for us in Lansing, folks.  

    What's next, Senator Gleason?  Regulations for abacus signage so Apple Stores aren't watered down?

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