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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Eat Your Peas

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 28, 2012 at 03:14:43 PM EST
    Tags: SCOTUS, Roberts, Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan, Health Care, Constitution (all tags)

    That's right Michigan.  Eat your damned peas.

    If nothing else, today's SCOTUS decision drives home the importance of locally electing the MOST CONSERVATIVE and CONSTITUTIONALLY minded politicians.  Its the only way to ensure this type of madness cannot continue to be placed in front of us.

    "Buh .. buh .. but John Roberts is a conservative!" you say.

    Yeah go figure.  Maybe there was a reason. Maybe Roberts had a stroke.  Maybe he was subjected to excessive gamma radiation.  His junk was being held hostage with a clamp? Anything. Any reason.

    In the end, it doesn't matter.  

    The 5-4 decision on the mandate was just that; 5 to 4.  It was a majority of the court that shouldn't exist. Roberts was joined by Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan, who should never have been allowed to sit on the court in the first place.  Kagan, in fact, as solicitor general for the Obama administration formerly arguing FOR Obamacare should have recused herself.

    More on these major mistakes below.

    Look at Ginsburg for example, a woman who recently declared that a South African constitution was superior to our own, was ACLU counsel and was nominated by President Clinton.  Clinton had just defeated Bush who could not retain the presidency because he lost the conservative base.  They sat on their hands knowing HW Bush was a RINO, and little better than the incoming Clinton.  The first casualty with a change to the left in the presidency was the supreme court.  The worst of it being the 44 Republican senators of the time could not stop such a leftist from being seated, and confirmed the appointment.

    It didn't have to happen.  If strong conservative US Senate candidates would have strong elected conservative senators, it wouldn't have.

    Breyer?  The great decider of the 'Kelo' eminent domain catastrophe fame, also nominated by Clinton, and confirmed without sufficient defense from a mushy Republican senate 44.

    Sotomeyor, a "wise Latina' appointed by Obama, and Kagan,  were both confirmed.  The former able to slide by, even with an obvious bias towards social justice, (a very unconstitutional premise) and the other who should NEVER have been allowed to assume the seat without a guarantee she would recuse herself from deciding on the very law she fought for as solicitor general.

    Roberts could have been all by himself exhibiting the very serious lack of judgment (pun intended) that will now tear the nation apart even more than the original law.  He could have stood alone, and been laughed at as the lone fool on the SCOTUS.  His action unfortunately was joined by the result of a greater number of fools whom we as a nation insist on electing.

    This new tax on decisions, stands alone in the history of man as the single most idiotic interpreting of what is, or is not constitutional, in my view.

    As a friend opined shortly after the decision, this great nation which was founded by revolt against King George's taxation, might surely die by such a tool, and the final issuer of the tax, not a constitutionally charged CONGRESS which has such authority, but a 'conservative' judge, along with other Marxist leaning judges who rewrote the law from the bench.

    Though even Obama said it wasn't a tax.

    There is no excuse for electing anyone in any position who hasn't a clear understand the truest meaning of our constitution.  We now have 5 judges that can clearly be identified that do not know how to umpire according to the rules.  The rules as written a couple of centuries ago have become too easy to ignore.  Our leadership must be better than this.

    Even locally, we can no longer simply accept a "because I am electable" excuse.  As we are discovering today, those who have no grounding, no principles, no 'absolutes', have no ability to hold back the ever creeping utopian train wreck that is upon us.  Free is now seen for what it is, not so very much.  We now have new chains that bind us, and the beast we feed with milquetoast and unaccountable servants has begun to devour our substance.

    And the statement "eat your peas" made by the president while laughing at the weakness in our congress over the debt, now mocks us in the debate over our personal health care choices.

    After today, those peas, together with noodles and cheese might just as well be served up on the constitution as a paper plate.

    The dinner/liberty bell is ringing..  Oh wait, maybe its not.

    < So, Jase... | AG Bill Schuette On The SCOTUS ACA Decision >

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    Eat your damn MICHIGAN peas (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Jun 28, 2012 at 03:56:24 PM EST
    • Scales by grannynanny, 06/28/2012 06:51:37 PM EST (none / 0)
      • grannynanny by Corinthian Scales, 06/29/2012 01:09:54 PM EST (none / 0)
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