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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Kerry's Obvious What?

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Sun Jul 22, 2012 at 11:24:28 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, CD11, Kerry Bentivolio, Nolan Finkley, Detroit News, MBT, Crassis (all tags)

    Nolan Finley of the Detroit news correctly assesses the CD11 Primary race between Kerry Bentivolio and the write-in candidate who (having more money than common sense) is willing to cough up $200k of her own money.

    But he takes a shot at the Veteran, Engineer, Teacher, Reagan organizer, Farmer, in a rather underhanded way that is confusing.  When talking about her strategy of attacking Bentivolio, a statement without foundation (as is often done by smug editorialists) is made:

    "She doesn't need to pound the negatives of Bentivolio, the tea party activist, reindeer farmer and school teacher. Nor does she need to extol her superior qualifications. Both are obvious."

    Perhaps you could elaborate Mr Finley? What is so obvious that it required merely a cheap shot from your pen to prove?  That he is crazy because he is a reindeer farmer? Or a teacher?  Help us out here.  And WHY is she superior?  Because she could pass a tax (the MBT) that is now threatening to have consequence on the budget because it was written so poorly?

    Uh Oh.

    Lets talk about obviousness. The write in candidate has her own issues.  Those including the fact she was AWOL when the opportunity arose to throw her name into the mix along with Bentivolio for the Republican nod.  OF COURSE she could have not known that McCotter had a crappy team working for him, and would put the district in play for primary action.  But like all other races, there are primaries for a reason.

    They help us select the best candidate going forward from the perspective of the party electing them.

    A late entry as if she is saving the party is pretty obviously a play for a faction's control of that seat.  Obviously, Brooks isn't happy Kerry is not his best bud.

    As an aside, if she is willing to spend HER OWN Money so recklessly, it should be a concern to those voters who would put her in the house that allocates money that is NOT HERS.

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    Tired of this (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by archiespeck on Mon Jul 23, 2012 at 09:00:22 AM EST
    Kerry represents the best in our system: a concerned Patriot who has gained a lifetime of experience, and is willing to put that aside to temporarily serve citizens and our interests. This is truly what the Founders of our country had in mind.

    Cassis represents the WORST: a career politician who only jumped in the race because she saw an opportunity.

    The good news is that if the best smear they can come up with is "reindeer farmer," they don't have a chance.

    It's gonna be hilarious when Kerry is elected and the establishment has a collective coronary.

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