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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Follow Up - Gary Peters

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 30, 2013 at 11:05:17 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, US Senate, Republicans, Democrats, Peters, Rogers, CISPA, NRSC (all tags)

    National Republican Senatorial Committee Communications Director, Brad Dayspring's statement on Rep. Peters reportedly entering the Senate race:
    "Gary Peters already lost a statewide campaign and that was before supporting a cap and trade energy tax policy that would effectively put Michigan out of business and ObamaCare which will raise health care costs. It takes a special kind of guy like Peters to ask for a promotion from the very same people that his policies would put out of work.

    "If Gary Peters is indeed the Democratic candidate in Michigan, Republicans have a great opportunity to pick up this seat and move closer to the taking majority in 2014."

    What he said.

    It should be noted however, that Peters enters with about $800k to start.  Sans a fight in the Democrat primaries, it is likely a sufficient start.  Presumed entrant Mike Rogers' reported $1.4 M would be spent down considerably in an expected multi-candidate contest by Republicans.

    Rogers seems to have some other baggage to climb over as well.

    < Low | Reason #5,961 why I Have No Use for the Republican Party >

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