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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Timing Is Everything

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 06, 2014 at 11:36:41 AM EST
    Tags: Electric Power, Utilities, Monopolies, Cronyism, Granholm, Michigan HB5184, Mike Shirkey, Competition, DTE, Rate Lowering, Timing (all tags)

    How convenient.

    As the drum beat for real electric competition picks up, its interesting to see utilities offering reductions in rates.  How convenient and thick with irony is it that as Mike Shirkey starts beating said drum, DTE proclaims accross the board rate cuts! From Crains:

    "Last month, DTE announced it would lower electric rates starting this month for business and most industrial customers between 5.5 percent to 7.4 percent and drop residential rates by an average of 6.5 percent. The cuts are expected to save about $80 a year for homeowners and varying amounts for businesses based on usage.

    It was DTE's first rate reduction since 2007, when the company lowered base rates by $80 million. "

    Conveniently, 2008 was when those rates started skyrocketing from that "reduced" rate.

    Yes timing IS everything when attempting to pass legislation that limits consumer choice.  Perhaps its good to look benevolent so that people say "what a nice organization this is," and let up pressure on competition legislation.  It worked in 2007, and monopoly legislation passed. And now that the peasants with pitchforks and torches are approaching,

    "Since 2008, requests (and approvals) for rate increases have been nearly four times the historic average. Meanwhile our retail electric energy costs have gone up more than 30 percent, while wholesale costs for electric energy in the Midwest region have gone down almost 50 percent.
    .. its time again for a little bit of that 'cake' to pass its way down to them.

    Let them eat it.


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