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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Sheesh. (none / 0) (#9)
    by John Galt on Thu Jan 08, 2009 at 09:21:36 PM EST
    Nobody's going to "explain" your personal quirks and things you make up that nobody can verify.  It's not even worth discussing who you voted for or why - bigots always try to justify their views because they "did something" or "knew someone who was".  How many people aren't homophobes because they have gay friends?  Maybe you're not a chauvenist because you know six or seven girls.  Enough said.

    And I'm glad you read in someone's Op-Ed piece that people are tired of Granholm because she's a woman.  Now, if only you had statistics to actually back that up... Just because you say it's "public sentiment" doesn't make it true, and echoing it as an opinion makes you a bigot for spreading it.  "It's not my fault other people believe it".  Yeah, other people believe black men can't be President.  That doesn't mean it's not bigoted to spread it around, particularly without facts to back it up.  If you're offended by how the rules of bigotry and hatred work, then that is your problem.

    Opinions are like bungholes; everyone has one, and most of them stink.  Back yours up, flesh it out, and it'll be one of the better ones.

    And for the record, there is never "one big" reason that someone loses a political race.  Dick DeVos lost for a variety of reasons, one of them was that HE personally worked for and ran the company his father started - and continued the tradition that gave the company a bad reputation.  Granholm's exploitation of that led to a high negative opinion of him as a person; nobody extrapolated it and said "that just ruined it for businessmen in this state for decades to come."  

    Considering that one of the reasons Posthumus had lost in 2002 was he appeared to be beating up on a woman - how exactly do you think this "negativity towards women" public sentiment is going to play out?


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