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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Oops, Scaly... there goes... (none / 0) (#14)
    by rdww on Tue Oct 20, 2009 at 09:17:05 AM EST
    ... your credibility...

    "...Libertarian Party is basically your wet dream."

    ...straight down the loo.

    If your all or nothing fantasy were true, the libertarian party is indeed where I would be be.  Instead, may I ask why YOU insist on hanging about with a Republican party that includes the likes of Olympia Snowe, rather than going to some US "Conservative Party" (the folks who rent Ryder trucks) that fires up your own wet dreams?
    Odd that, going back a year and a half ago, you "true conservatives" (to borrow your own all or nothing standards) were the folks gushing over Duncan Hunter as the one real conservative presidential contender who could regain the White House in 2008.  How'd that work out for you, especially when it turned out the only primary votes he got came from his wife and mom?
    Ron Paul, meanwhile, came to the presidential debates as the boy who points out that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes, and became the ONLY Republican candidate who built real excitement among voters under 30.  He was pro-business, pro-life, and anti-government -- which seems to be a problem for you.
    We tried it your way in 2008, Scaly.  There was a lovable old RINO candidate who inspired no one, and a small conservative base that spent all its energy complaining and shooting at each other.  The latter has spent the past year doing more of the same.  
    Time for a new way -- a libertarian/conservative small government movement that can actually draw young, intelligent achievers to the GOP.


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