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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    In what way? (none / 0) (#31)
    by thejmfc on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 01:44:00 AM EST
    Aside from sharing their socially-conservative values, and thereby usually receiving the majority of their votes, I don't see how the Republicans are guilty of pandering to Christians.  To me, that's not pandering.  That's just having both parties on the same page; both benefiting from the relationship, but not in a special-favors kind of way.  

    I guess pandering is in the eye of the beholder.  The way I see it though, if the politician involved actually believes in what he's doing (vs. doing it just for the votes), then it's not really pandering.  I believe that the relationship between the Republicans and Evangelicals generally fits in that scenario.  Generally.


    PANDERING: Let us be clear... (none / 0) (#34)
    by pauldpeterson on Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 10:49:26 AM EST
    Let's clear this up. Webster says,
    "to pander to"
    "To appeal to (base emotions or less noble desires), so as to achieve one's purpose; to exploit (base emotions, such as lust, prejudice, or hate)."

    What you're talking about is quid pro quo, not pandering.

    Actually, we can learn from the skills Evangelicals have of reaching out; point is, how to do it in a broader way, rather than the safety of common Christianity, at least on a base level? If we remember, and subsribe to, the unrecognized fact that "Secular politics is the result of underlying, religious belief", then I think we will be on the road to achieving good outreach tactics through perspective. Not everyone we want to win over has to be denominationally of the same belief.  All that is required for liberty and conservative values is that the person be a Deist; otherwise, raw human nature rules that person's life, which will be at odds with us, I believe, normally.

    Paul "Revere" Peterson
    Conservative Patriot
    Internet Columnist

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