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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Half valid (none / 0) (#23)
    by chetly on Sat May 02, 2009 at 01:59:05 AM EST
    This is half valid.  Certainly current AV voting permits a greater range of fraud possibilities than in person identification voting because the voter can request the ballot by mail and never show in person at any stage in the process with ID.  Even in person voting isn't 100% fraud proof, but it takes a heck of alot more emotional brass to show up at the polls and represent yourself as someone else (even in non-ID states, but in ID states even more).

    But in response to KG's point about voting "should be difficult" (paraphrase), I see no philosophical or historical record in the founding of this county that voting should be difficult.  The ballot box and a single voting day were the rule of the day in the 1800s and on because that was the only practical technology and rule/process system.  There wasn't even mail until the mid-1800s, let alone a postal system. Travel was difficult. Why shouldn't we use technology and progress to make it easier?  That is a fundamental question, actually, worthy of serious cross-partisan discussion.

    As Amash later points out, I too have no issue with e-mail or fax applications to make the process easier --- but not in isolation of implementing security with those technologies.  The Democrats want to have both sides of this issue - where Republicans should take the stand is on the identification part, and say we'll say yes to one if Democrats say yes to the other.  That's what was missing in this debate.

    And Democrats should be cautious on this - playing politics with voting issues can backfire seriously if you're caught, because voting fairness strikes at the core of our democracy and beliefs.  More often than not the majority of voters is in line with common-sense - and both common-sense and the polling I have seen show that the majority supports both easier voting AND (reasonable) identification and secure, reduced fraud measures.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

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