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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I feel like biting too! (none / 0) (#72)
    by maidintheus on Tue Sep 22, 2009 at 09:44:42 PM EST
    Midland, you have made a Democrat out of yourself, imo.  Also, I called you out on your guilt trips but like a good Democrat, you continue that tactic. Then you pull a guilt trip and a double standard at once!  You accuse (that Dem thingy you have going on) us of a double standard yet guilt us for not being "real" conservatives for defending Bushy and then throw in Milliken whom you know isn't a conservative, yet you defend him.

    You're a piece of work and I withdraw any residual support for your Democratic ideology. I have the major part of 'your' Republican Party with me on this.

    McTurd got where he got because of.......guess!  You probably guessed wrong so I'll just tell you: Sarah Palin, that's how!  And how dare you throw kool aid all over in here and repeat those postings from WOMYN and the Huff Hag, who flame her!  You have no idea other then you just are against her Conservative stance. News flash: Some of her reasons for stepping down was out of respect for Alaska and the country.  It was costing Alaska money due frivolous court proceedings by the (so called) PROGRESSIVE attacks and she also didn't want to be a distraction for the country.  Don't even bother with your sheeple comments in response.

    I know Conservative. You're no Conservative!

    Repetitively, your guilt trips, accusations, circular put downs, and straw men are falling on those who don't care anymore.  Talk to the hand, 'your' Republican Party has had it with your crap.

    AND I find a lot to like about Dubya, so kiss my astroturf.  

    I welcome your support and vote at anytime.


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