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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    gay marriage (none / 0) (#36)
    by maidintheus on Wed Sep 23, 2009 at 11:48:58 AM EST
    For me, I want to return to the (misunderstood and mostly forgotten) common law marriage of choice by individuals. I am perfectly willing to allow others the freedom to choose a state marriage, along with the accompanied tax penalties/regulations/abuses.

    "I am a pro-gun, pro-Life centrist who supports a regulated market economy rather than European style socialism." How can you be a Democrat if you're against European style socialism?

    tea party: So, only ACORN et al and Dems can organize?

    very limited government: Perhaps this is your main reason as Republicans don't hate gov't. It's the monster gov'ts we have now that are the problem, very European Socialist.

    English only: This is a bit misleading. The point is not to speak in only English. If I migrate to a non-english speaking country, should the whole spend tax dollars to accommodate this or should I add bi-lingual to my decision to migrate, rather then the reverse?  

    no gay marriage: This is a bit misrepresentative as well in that, on the one hand we have separation of church and state and on the other we have forced acceptance. Religious exemption from this debacle must be maintained, else the state runs the church. It's not legal while being a hypocrisy of convenience.    

    loudly disrupting town halls: Again, why be Democrat if you're stating (several times in various ways) your abhorrence of disruptive behavior? Clearly, the Dems have a corner on this as we've seen with ACORN, booing Bush during State of Union address, kill him, hang him, cut his head off, to say nothing of showing up at conservative 'demonstrations', beating people up, pretending to be one via acting out in ways they accuse conservatives of, burning churches, abusing family members...  


    Bush was the center. (none / 0) (#48)
    by Republican Michigander on Wed Sep 23, 2009 at 02:14:51 PM EST
    I'm pro-life and pro-gun as well. (Also against the death penalty)

    """I don't support the tea party, very limited government, English only, no gay marriage, loudly disrupting town halls positions of the right."""

    Tea Parties - Do you support tax rates of 45%+ which is the current state of a large number of businesses. Do you support a 12 trillion dollar+ debt. I'll concede that Bush was HORRIBLE on spending, and I ripped him in 2006 because of that opposing the Bush budget and supporting the Pence budget instead.

    English only - Why shouldn't government documents be in English. I'm Irish by blood. I don't speak Irish Gaelic in business, nor demand that that is how things are done. I have no problem with people speaking multiple languages, but people need to learn English.

    Gay Marriage - How about this compromise. Government gets out of marriage altogether? I do not support being forced to recognize gay marriages, but at the same time I'm more insulted by being forced to get a license for marriage. Government should be out of it, the rest of it should be decided by contracts.

    "Loudly Disrupting" - This is something from the Saul Alinsky playbook. The left's been doing this for years, especially against Bush. The right's doing the same thing now. It's not unique to any side outside of those who are not in power.

    Bush was the center. He was socially center-right, neoconservative on foreign policy (so was Bill Clinton), and fiscally conservative on tax cuts and far left-wing on spending. He also won because Gore was a gun grabber and because John Kerry was the worst possible "1st tier" candidate the dems could run in 2004 because of his 1972 Senate Speech.

    The problem is that the GOP lost a lot of libertarian leaners because of Bush and Congress on spending and Iraq. Bailouts and spending killed them, deserving so. As far as Iraq goes, politics stops at the borders and I'll comment publicly on that when its done.


    • Shazzam! by jgillmanjr, 09/23/2009 03:18:55 PM EST (none / 0)

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