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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Where was/is the MIaGOP (none / 0) (#2)
    by RushLake on Fri Nov 26, 2010 at 06:14:58 AM EST
    on these things? There are so many shortcomings out there on Lenin and Stabemall that could be highlighted not only in campaign season but at other times. Now elements of the MIaGOP wants to foist this democrat financial contributor on the state as its leader following, no doubt, in the less than dynamic steps of Saul Anuzis. I speculate that should the MIaGOP take on Lenin and Stabemall, the citizens would be provided with inspiration to open their wallets so more of these jokes could be take down. MIaGOP is doing victory laps right now because of November 2, but make no mistake, those gains were in spite of it.

    The blood of Michgian PFC Byron Fouty is on Karl Lenin's hands:


    Karl Lenin was (and is now) on the Senate Committee on Intelligence at the time the that military intelligence was tied up for 10 hours trying to get authorization to use terrorist wireless communications to try to save Fouty and the other captured G.I.s. Why isn't he being asked why he did NOTHING to help?


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