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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Umm why is it HATE (none / 0) (#21)
    by JGillman on Thu Nov 04, 2010 at 11:41:33 AM EST
    when we argue that same sex activities are not natural?  Why is an argument for the definition of a WORD a hateful thing?  

    Yet openly advocating abortion, the killing of our children is not hate?

    Righty Tighty Lefty loosey much?  Screw that noggin back on a second.  The head is supposed to be positioned on the head not up the arse.

    Who defines what I or any others think?  Do you assume because I disagree with homosexuality as a legitimate procreative device that I HATE fags?  What about the use of the word FAG that I just published.  Because it is considered a derogatory term for Homosexuals, does it automatically place me in a hate speech zone?

    Homosexualness is based on an activity, not race or gender.  Because I don't care for  Lacrosse, does that mean I am a hater as well?

    Get over the PC crap. 'Gays' have the SAME rights I do, my wife does, my kids etc.  And unless you have found a way to read minds, a claim of 'hate' is off the mark and speculative.  An activity by one group does not automatically make opposition to that group's activity a hate driven measure.  

    The word is used to divide. PERIOD. Get over yourselves out there.  The gays aren't being 'targeted' for any oppressive measures.  Just keep your sexual preferences private like the rest of the population.


    • Sorry, JGillman... by g23, 11/04/2010 11:25:44 PM EST (none / 0)
      • Uh-oh by Corinthian Scales, 11/05/2010 02:11:01 AM EST (none / 0)
      • Sorry? by JGillman, 11/05/2010 07:14:15 AM EST (none / 0)
    Get some air... (none / 0) (#22)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Nov 04, 2010 at 01:30:11 PM EST
    Do you know of a culture in the history of the world, be it Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish or Christian that recognizes a marriage between anyone other than a man and a woman?  I sure as hell don't.  Have you noticed that every time this issue has appeared on a state ballot gay marriage has been overwhelmingly voted down?  And for Chrissakes, even in California, African American Obama supporters voted nine to one against gay marriage.  Do Obama and Biden support gay marriage?  No.  Spin your eeeevil "religious right" and "crusade" crap elsewhere.

    So there... there you have it.  Centuries of evolved cultural and social history that cannot be overturned just because there is a whinny demand for it in one country at one particular time.  What you do in the sack in the privacy of your own dwelling... Like I could give a rats ass.   Just leave the children alone.  It confuses them and I want our American society to survive.  Marriage between a man and a woman is every societies foundation.

    End of story.


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