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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Home Grown Democrats (none / 0) (#9)
    by grannynanny on Sat Feb 20, 2010 at 01:24:12 PM EST
    NE Democrats have many home grown democrats but they are more the blue dog democrats.  It's funny because my sister is a rabid democrat but agrees with all the conservative points I make.  What it comes down to is personality politics.  She is a GW Bush hater and a Sarah Palin hater.  She has never been in a union and doesn't support union politics.  Having a political discussion with her always ends with GW Bush and no WMD's in Iraq, Cheney/Haliburton = crooks and Granholm/Obama inherited a mess.  My mother thinks Chris Mathews is the next thing to God and is a complete wealth envy creature and has an addiction to lottery tickets.  My deceased father must be rolling in his grave.  He was a Teamster and faithful Republican with the arguement that unions were necessary at one time but in the last 30 years they were doing nothing but bankrupting and pilaging companies for nothing more than to redistribute wealth amongst their own.  At the end of his truck driving career the Teamsters did just that to his company and my mother was livid and is livid to this day but supports the democrats 100%.  I am truly perplexed and dumb founded by their reasoning and it is an issue that is no longer broached with either of them. Both of them just repeat what they hear on MSM tv and never open their eyes or ears to the other side even though they agree on 80% of conservative values. Go figure.


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