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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    LookingforReagan (none / 0) (#7)
    by Southwest Washtenaw on Mon Jun 21, 2010 at 10:36:47 AM EST
    How about cutting spending?...
    -From the DetNews (10/24/09)
    "Total spending from state resources is up 7 percent - $1.8 billion more in the 2008-09 budget year than in 2001...But those figures don't take into account inflation. While the state's total spending over the eight years increased 7 percent (reaching $27.5 billion in '08-'09), inflation during the same period was triple that (21.7 percent)."
    "When adjusted for inflation, total spending has decreased 14 percent. Spending from the general fund, the Legislature's main source of discretionary money, is down 21 percent. By comparison, Ohio's general fund was down less than 2 percent, and Indiana's increased 5 percent."

    Many of the programs and departments created under the Czarina should and could be eliminated as being totally unnecessary. This would save millions.
    -Please list "the programs and departments created under the Czarina" and indicate how much money would be saved by eliminating each one and explain why you think the program and/or department is "totally unnecessary"...just curious.

    ...There is no reason with our diminished population that this state needs nearly 60,000 people working for it.  In 1985 with a population of nearly eleven million the state government employed 32,000 and met it's obligations just fine.
    -Huh? Michigan's population in 1985 was 9,076,293 not "nearly 11 million".  Michigan's population reached a peak in 2005 at about 10,090,554 (estimated as of 7/2005) Our population today is roughly the same as it was in 2000.


    http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/DTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=04000US26&-ds_name=PEP_2009_EST&a mp;-mt_name=PEP_2009_EST_G2009_T001

    -Also, the number of state employees in 1985 was approximately 58,000 not 32,000.  We have about as many state employees today (about 53,000) as we had in the early 1970s.

    -And from the same DetNews article by Ron French cited above...
    "The state's nonfarm work force is down 11 percent since 2000, while the group that makes up the majority of employees who get a check signed by the state of Michigan is down about 15 percent, according to Civil Service Commission reports.  There was one state employee for every 161 Michigan residents in 2001; by the end of 2008, it was one state employee for every 197 residents."


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