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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    That was kind of my point, CS. (none / 0) (#5)
    by KG One on Wed Jan 05, 2011 at 08:31:34 AM EST
    For someone whose pat response for any problem with government budget deficits was to always increase taxes (i.e. bad roads: higher gas tax, more buses: higher gas tax, choo-choo trains to nowhere: higher gas tax, preventing cuts to gov't "safety net": higher business/income/sales taxes, DPS lacking money: just tax someone more to make-up the shortfall), acknowledging that those very same taxes might be the cause of the problem at hand (read: Detroit's fall into anarchy) does say a lot.

    Has he seen the light?

    That remains to be seen.

    But remember, admitting that you have a problem is always the first step towards recovery from those problems.


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