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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Paulbots? (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Aug 15, 2011 at 08:30:47 PM EST
    Like they've mattered one iota since '88 when Ron made his leap off the Liberaltarian deep end.  Uh-hum, 431,750 votes.  Almost a half of a percentage point?  How's that shitting on Ronald Reagan 1988 game plan still working out for ya, Paulbots?

    And, once again, Uncle Squeaky opens mouth and inserts his "Iran with nukes is cool" lunacy foot in...  the  e n t i r e  nation ignores him.

    "We were turned down by all the Sunday talk shows, including Fox News Sunday, which promised us an interview," Benton said. "And we were turned down by all the shows today."

    Paul was initially scheduled to appear on NBC's "Today" show Monday morning, but the appearance was canceled.

    "He was tentatively booked, but because of logistics and timing reasons with the news in Indiana and Somalia, we couldn't do it," said Megan Kopf, a spokeswoman for the "Today" show.

    Benton said "Meet the Press" was one of several Sunday shows that Paul had a "loose arrangement" with to go on if Paul did well in the straw poll, but when he did, "their answer was, sorry our show is set."

    "It was an effort to shut Ron out, no question," he said.

    I'm shocked!



    And speaking of . . . (none / 0) (#10)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Aug 16, 2011 at 04:55:37 PM EST
    . . . the paulbots, let me point out something.

    As of the writing of this comment, 119 total votes have been cast in the online poll over on the right.  109 of those votes (91% of the total) have gone to "congressman straw poll" himself.  However, earlier this morning, Real Clear Politics released a new bi-weekly average, and even though I'm not thrilled with where my candidate-of-choice is sitting, I know that the RCP Average is a fairly reliable poll track.

    If those RCP numbers were to be applied to our online poll, then the current track would look like this:

    • Michele Bachman (Minnesota) - 9.6% ≈ 11 votes
    • Herman Cain (Georgia) - 5.0% ≈ 6 votes
    • Newt Gingrich (Georgia) - 5.0% ≈ 6 votes
    • Jon Huntsman (Utah) - 2.2% ≈ 3 votes
    • Thaddeus McCotter (Michigan) - 0.0% ≈ 0 votes
    • Ron Paul (Texas) - 8.8% ≈ 10 votes
    • Rick Perry (Texas) - 18.4% ≈ 22 votes
    • Mitt Romney (Massachusetts) - 20.2% ≈ 24 votes
    • Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania) - 1.8% ≈ 2 votes
    • none of the above / someone else - 12.3% ≈ 15 votes

    Now, I don't think that Mittens would actually score that high here, but I think you get my point.


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