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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Best of luck.. (none / 0) (#6)
    by archiespeck on Mon Aug 29, 2011 at 08:15:22 AM EST
    ...to that naive superintendant. Once the ghetto moves to an open school district, the problems start and the local parents pull their kids out an put them to privates or another district altogether. Trust me, I live in a recently opened district and the exodus is astounding. My child will never step foot in that school.

    It's nice to make flowery claims from a distance about these parents being "different" and the school enforcing discipline, but when it's your kid having to deal with it every day, it's a whole different ballgame.


    If only it were that simple. (none / 0) (#8)
    by KG One on Mon Aug 29, 2011 at 08:29:58 AM EST
    If anyone from the districts I mentioned are balking at that filling empty seat, there's a damn good reason for it!

    What good will that extra $7,500 be when districts need to spend several times that amount on added staff to maintain control (not only the classroom but the entire school), security (guards, locks, cameras, etc.), and maintenance?

    What do you think the property values will be of those districts who see their AYP and other test scores drop like a brick due to the undesirable element from DPS (read: next season's cast members from "Beyond Scared Straight") who will overwhelm any control systems school district have?

    Do you really believe that they won't want their free food? Free busing (good luck finding enough parents willing to provide those daily 20-40 trips)? And what about the other "gimmies" that will invariability be demanded following this mass exodus from DPS should this proposal pass?

    This is a Faustian bargain Rep. McMillin. Plain and simple.

    I'll leave you (or any supporter of this ill-conceived scheme) with one final question: What will you tell those children in the surrounding districts regarding why their education needed to suffer because the guv thought it best to focus only on the bottom line?

    I'll be looking forward to hearing the answer.


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