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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Fantasizing About (none / 0) (#47)
    by grannynanny on Mon Aug 29, 2011 at 11:35:58 AM EST
    a Conservative utopia???? Give me a break - this is about common sense solutions to get these kids a good education.  It all starts at home but we keep on pandering to those parents who don't give a sh!t.  There is an abundance of uneducated children who come from uneducated homes in bad schools and your answer is to shift them to a school district where you think they will thrive.  And then what?  They get to go back home after school to unruly bad parents who are not going to follow thru with school work?  That's dillusional and typical of what politicians do.  Just pass the buck.

    Sorry you will never convince me.  Of course, I also spanked my kids too - so go ahead and villianize those of us who cared enough about kids to make sure when they got sent to school they were there to learn and not give lip service and smart a$$ remarks to the teacher.  And I was a single mom at one time too and still followed thru with common sense teaching them love, respect and discipline. If my kids got in trouble at school they knew what would happen when they got home.  A little fear goes a long way!  But God forbid we might hurt the little ones self esteem!  And all politicians have fallen for that line of bullsh!t.


    And by the way (none / 0) (#50)
    by grannynanny on Mon Aug 29, 2011 at 11:45:40 AM EST
    our oldest daughter is a high school teacher (with a masters degree) and feels the same way I do.  And all three of our girls have college degrees and good jobs.  The two youngest are the mom's (one is a single mom) to our two grandsons, ages 5 and 1 and those grandsons are read to every day, they work on numbers and alphabet and they also get spanked.  Isn't that horrifying that I have such responsible children?

    Maybe I shoulda just let them run wild so later in life they can run to the gubberment tit for ALL their needs.


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