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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    And,. . . (none / 0) (#6)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Sep 13, 2011 at 01:57:20 PM EST
    . . . Don't forget Ohio's SB 5.

    The Republicans rolled the dice, too, when the legislature passed and Gov. John Kasich signed SB 5.

    Suspicions are strong among Statehouse observers that Kasich wasn't thrilled to see SB 5 become the first big legislative headline of his tenure. But to his credit, Kasich grabbed the chance to do something of great and lasting value for state and local government, and he has been outspoken in his support for the law.

    Intellectual honesty wouldn't have permitted him any other course. While the SB 5 debate was going on in the legislature, Kasich was writing a budget for a recovery-resistant state that had failed to ride out a recession on one-and-done federal handouts.

    He made no effort to preserve the illusion that the state could continue propping up local governments in the generous fashion to which they've become accustomed.

    Instead, he signed SB 5 and offered local governments a dose of wise counsel: Grab this lifeline. Accept the opportunity to re-establish the proper relationship with government employees. Embrace SB 5 and help sell it to your constituents, because you're going to need it.

    Then, he and the legislature cut the Local Government Fund.

    And that is how it's done.

    Our "One Tough GoverNerd"?  Nope.  He still lives happily on the joke smoke of Hopium.

    "Tonight the president called for key infrastructure projects that will boost our economy.  We have a huge opportunity here in Michigan to build the New International Trade Crossing - a privately funded project that is vital to Michigan's economic future.  Canada is Michigan's number one customer and we need to expand our ability to export Michigan-made products to the world.  Building the NITC will not cost Michigan taxpayers, and it means Michigan will receive approximately $2.2 billion from the federal government to use for other road projects throughout the state.

    "Half of all jobs lost in the entire United States over the past decade were lost right here in Michigan.  We are in a crisis, and cannot afford to waste time on unproductive political posturing and partisan fighting.  It's time to make the tough decisions needed to reinvent Michigan and reinvent the United States."

    Yep, it's "Too Divisive" being distinguishable from a Democrat, just gimme dat gummint money for my goonion labor NAFTA Bridge.

    Recalls.  RTW for teachers only.  One term Nerd.


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