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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I know... (none / 0) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon May 14, 2012 at 11:57:00 AM EST
    ...Archie.  No you are not wrong at all, however, I do believe that you are still living under the guise that we are a Rule of Law applies state and nation.

    Now, let me ask you how far you think you would get with that suit with TPTB in Lansing throwing everything against you?

    SCOMI?  Completely ball-less during an election year.  Remember, that's just with how they deal with the Looters and Moochers.  Now, want to take on the courts and the system of the Governerd, Congressional, state and local parasites buying votes with ChiCom debt money?  No offense, but good luck with that.  Methinks there would be a quick settlement, or such a lengthy case it'd bankrupt the individual as his/her mouthpiece was bought off without him/her being aware it happening to them.

    By the way, nice to see you posting again.


    • You're right by archiespeck, 05/14/2012 12:06:25 PM EST (none / 0)

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