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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Wasn't (none / 0) (#6)
    by JGillman on Tue Jun 25, 2013 at 04:55:44 PM EST
    feeling attacked at all.  Appreciate your concerns.

    The Dems have $200,000,000.00 of formerly nicotine stained Obama money to spend this next election cycle. This will include key legislative races, the governor seat, and US Senate.  So whomever we put up has a tough job no matter what.

    Snyder has enough people ticked off on our side that added to the other side's action, about guarantees a loss in the general.  That will also affect the senate race and down tickets too.

    Another reason why a primary for the Guv seat is important.  

    Its an uphill fight, but one that has real unique possibilities.


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