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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    There's one thing that I'm not getting here. (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Tue Nov 11, 2008 at 10:02:17 PM EST
    Double-checking the local media in my neck of the woods (i.e. The Detroit News, 2, 4, 7, 760, 950 &  1410), and Fox News & Drudge, I cannot find any mention of this happening outside of RightMichigan  & the Lansing knock-off of The Metro Times.

    I don't discount for a second that the MSM is beyond playing favorites on what gets covered, but I'm finding it hard to believe that not one of these outlets even had a blurb mentioning what happened.

    Don't interpret this to mean that I'm doubting Nick's version of the events, but not having any one of these outlets above cover a protest taking place in a Church is bizarre to say the least.

    I'm also having a problem with this version of what happened:

    When Eaton County Sheriff's deputies arrived, they questioned the remaining protestors in the church parking lot. Elieff and other church staff questioned the Bash Back members why Mt. Hope Church had been singled out.

    "I don't know," was an almost universal response.

    Elieff acknowledged the group's right to protest, but he said the church's civil rights were infringed upon when the service was disrupted.

    No one was arrested at the church, and, Elieff said, as far as he knew, no arrests have been made.
    "I would have preferred that they had all been taken in," he said.

    Just where did Eaton County dredge up these deputies at?

    Several days later, and they don't have any names to go on (especially in a rural area)?

    To say that this is hard to believe is an understatement.

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