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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Gobblydeegook, more gobblydeegook (none / 0) (#9)
    by geeves on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 12:57:50 AM EST
    I'm reading Nick's comment and man, I just can see why Michigan is so heavily democrat. You guys are just afraid of your own shadow. A church was just invaded and you guys are breathing big-time sighs of relief because of one thing, you're just clueless on how to act. Corrie Ten Boon was so right when she said the failing of modern society is the lack of discernment. If that was your home broken into and vandalised, you'd be so charitable about it? Yah, right. So when it's God's home broken into, we should be "turning the other cheek?" Or is that the excuse given for being afraid to act or not just knowing what to do, I wonder.

    For some reason I don't understand, you'all are wanting the MSM to pick this up and run with it. The MSM, caring about a church? Helloooo! For what reason? So people all across our fruited plains can be shocked? That's funny. You guys want to turn the other cheek while the rest of us get all mad about it.

    Do you not remember the last time this happen a christian security guard, and two others I believe, shot at the perpetrator. Understood, this guy was dealing bullets himself. The point is, somebody wasn't afraid - based on what others might think - to act.

    Nobody is saying bullets had to fly. But you can't be afraid to be what we are, American Citizens. As church goers we have the right to protect ourselves just like anybody else in this country. It's our right. It's our duty. I'm not going to make apologies for my church upbringing because I'm afraid the MSM might take my words and mince them into something some poor heathen will misconstrue. If you are going to live your life based on fear, you ain't got God guiding you.

    Nick almost gets it right when he invokes Jesus turning over the money lender tables in the Sancturary. House of God stuff. Amen. But then he loses it on Peter's ear trimming. Duh! Jesus was dying for souls to be saved and a movement to begin. Peter's knife wasn't going to last much longer against armed temple guards with swords. Nick can talk from his heart all he wants, but I say, Nick is all gooblydeegook.

    For one thing, I don't think you guys are really turning the other cheek. Rather, you want to look like your turning the other cheek so long as the MSM and raises some outrage, or why else ask for it?

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