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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Uniquely absurd and rapacious (none / 0) (#10)
    by Angry White Male on Tue Dec 16, 2008 at 02:25:36 PM EST
    Number of states that have both an "insurer of last resort" which is exempt from all taxes paid by other insurers AND a "high risk pool" funded by assessments on all the insurers in the state:


    Creating such a uniquely absurd double-system to provide expensive-but-not-stratospheric priced insurance to individuals with chronic bad health or pre-existing conditions is what the dispute is all about.

    Value of BCBS tax exemptions: $100 million.

    Value of the loot tax-paying insurers would have to turn over to tax-exempt BCBS under the bill: I don't know, but a whole bunch.

    Value to citizens of such a system: ZERO.

    Value of BCBS contributions to the political class: PRICELESS.

    Where the burden of proof lies in this debate: BCBS.

    Independent audits of BCBS income and balance sheets: NONE.

    Any questions?

    BTW, the BCBS board is a who's who of Michigan union bosses.

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