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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Akindele, you have my support (none / 0) (#11)
    by John Galt on Mon Dec 08, 2008 at 12:28:25 PM EST
    Akindele, you have my support.  

    Blacks support vouchers but if we cannot amend the State Constitution to have voucers or tax credits then we need to look at alternatives. Charter schools is an alternative but the way we discuss it in our communities is a disaster.

    What's the right way to approach Charter schools?  I'm not even familiar with what's being presented poorly.

    Democrats on the other hand are ONLY in control due to the unions ON THIS SIDE of I-69. Under liberal control we are living in a third world country. And what most liberals will not tell you is that Blacks are READY for the GOP to come into Detroit. The problem is this. We have to change our image, our message must be precise and we must be consistent with our outreach efforts to humanize our issues with those who need help.

    And unions give money to the Democrats.  When Republicans struggle to find "stuffed shirts" to get on the ballot.  And in years like 2008 where money is hard to come by for any Republican, it's going to go to the 50/50 battleground districts.

    The underlying problem is that Republicans in these areas are, in-fact, just recruited to fill a blank spot on a ballot.  I'll address the solution below.

    This includes visiting with churches in the community you have targeted, going to Belle Isle, knocking on doors in OFF-ELECTION seasons, focus groups, civic education, financial literacy issues and relationship building.

    This is why Michigan has "Precinct Delegates".  The most localized form of elected official.  The ultimate in grassroots support.  We have them in Detroit and plenty of other Dem-controlled districts.

    The problem is that they are recruited and told they don't have to do anything.  Nobody has been providing training to these folks.  Who would know to call up a church?  What would you say to the church to come speak?  Heck, 85% of Michigan's Precinct Delegates do not have voter lists.  The other 15% only have the lists because they're also active candidates for higher office.

    This means that your Vice-Chair position has to work closely - and perhaps kick - the others.  This means Grassroots, Coalitions, Youth, and Outreach and Ethnic vice chairs need to work together.  I can't say I'm familiar with any of them coming to Macomb or Oakland county in the past 2 years.

    I like your message Akindele, I look forward to reading more and supporting you as you move forward.

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