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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Education (none / 0) (#1)
    by Ed Burley on Sun Feb 24, 2008 at 10:25:20 AM EST
    While I agree fundamentally with the things you say about government education, I would say that is not the reason that parents should, if humanly possible, chose the home education route. To me, it is due to the societal view of government education.

    Government education, even if things like bullying and ignorance in the teaching staff are cured, serves one basic purpose - to indoctrinate the children and prepare them to be good citizens of the state. GE gives the children what they "need" to know to get by in life - or so they claim. The life they want our children living is one where they are loyal to the state, and its economic and political goals.

    Children who are home educated are, or at least should be, taught to think critically. It is unfortunate that most fundamentalist home educators don't really do this; unless they are using The Sonlight Curriculum, or The Robinson Curriculum. Both of these curriculum choices encourage the child to read, and to make those reading choices based not on one's already accepted philosophy, but upon critically examining philosophical schools of differing thought.

    Government schools prepare the children to be good little union workers for the multinational corporations. This way, the government can ensure the multinationals of the thing they need the most - a steady supply of ignorant workers, who know just enough to put the round peg in the round hole. They may not know why the round one goes there, but since it works, they accept it.

    I know these comments sound cynical, and I know that some kids get a good education IN SPITE of going to a government school (generally this is because the family is dedicated to "going above and beyond" and helping the child to actually learn something). The entrepreneurial spirit hasn't been completely destroyed in America yet (although it sure would seem so, when our choices for prez are McCain, Clinton and Obama), and it is due to that fact that there's still hope, even for those who were government educated

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