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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nibbling at the margins (none / 0) (#2)
    by mcdirt on Fri Aug 01, 2008 at 07:08:19 PM EST
    A majority of Americans now believe that increased drilling is a more important solution to the energy situation than conservation. This despite ample evidence that conservation is the cheapest, fastest and cleanest option. My hope is that the conservation measures proposed in this debate are real, and aggressive....and if so, it's a shame that Congress would adjourn before addressing it. Drilling will move gas prices down infinitesimally, and not for a long, long time. Conservation will help us almost immediately. Yet most of the fire and brimstone from the politicos has centered on drilling because it's tangible and easier to grasp than the policy nuances of conservation. I'm resigned to the fact that my friends on the Right here will oppose any conservation measure hinting at a mandate, and I respectfully disagree with that litmus test. Without a mandate, the entrenched, monied interests whose profits depend on continued reliance on oil will continue to control the debate, and the politicians who shape energy policy. I'm not necessarily against drilling in some places that are currently off limits....but we need to be honest that we're nibbling at the margins of the problem with that "solution" and that it's a continuation of the reliance that has brought us to this unfortunate point.



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