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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Okay will me. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Sat Sep 27, 2008 at 11:43:47 AM EST
    I wouldn't mind continuing the policies that have kept the homeland safe since 9/11. I can see in other states, even some that border Michigan that jobs and prosperity are the rule rather then the exception as they here in the land of Zarina Jenny of No Jobs. A national unemployment rate of less them 6% was okay in 1996 when the two Bubbas ran for reelection but now it just won't do. COME TO MICHIGAN. The lending crisis? Who gave us that? DEMOCRATS of course. Their greed and willingness to fill their own pockets is all that counts with them. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Chuck U Schummer, Kent Conrad and the list goes on. Why did this crisis befall us? Because of record oil and gas prices not to mention higher food costs.Buy gas and food or pay the house payment. Some choice huh? Why? Democrats refusing to allow AMERICA to increase our production of domestic sources of engery and to build the power plants and refineries that AMERICA needs. That these slugs can impose hardship on the rest of us while they fill their pockets because of the elected office they hold must STOP. It is time to fire anything with a D after it's name.
    Overall the economy is strong, every place but Michigan. The Homeland is more secure then it was, but yes we need more work to make it so. But that is hard to do when many of the largest cities in America, run by DEMOCRATS make their cities a sanctuary for illegal aliens and terrorists.
    Our education system in this county could be better. All we need to do is to get rid of the Department of Education. The UnConstitutional usurpation of power by Lyndon Johnson and a Democrat controlled Congress has given us the current Political indoctrination education system we now see. Teachers don't exist, they have been replaced with political indoctrination technicians. Just look at Detroit and you see the perfect Socialist school system. That is by design. They seek not to educate but to indoctrinate and to keep the students as ignorant as they can. Ignorant people question less and believe what they are told.
    No, I would rather have a third Bush term from John McCain rather then a second Carter term from Hussien Obama. AMERICA cannot take a Carter/Obama/Granholm type of Government now. Besides Obama is a puppet. The trick is to reveal the puppetmaster. Who is pulling the strings. The answer might supprise a great many people.

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