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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    How Happy is That Happy Meal? (none / 0) (#2)
    by Bridget on Sat Sep 27, 2008 at 11:50:13 AM EST
    Hi Wendy,

    I enjoyed your article this week on the Obama supporter.

    It's great you had the courage to confront this man - in a friendly way of course instead of staying silent when in reality you were bursting with questions. Good for you in reaching out to find out more details and sharing your own view point as well. Too often conservatives live quiet lives and since they are not so vocal, it's a misconception that their views and opinions are not of as much value as those of louder and more bousterous liberals.

    Liberals are well known for their activism, their public boycotts, their constant rallys and living at mom and dad's place much longer than they should. Conservatives are known for running America's small businesses, working at jobs long hours and taking care of their own daily lives and not expecting cradle to grave handouts.

    Both groups differ greatly in how they really feel about America. One group wants America of the old to die out (much like they support death of babies, the old and the imperfect) and they want to create a heaven on earth (that's what happens when people deny there is a God and a higher power, you try to create something else to take its place). They also operate in a fact free zone and that leads to so many problems.

    The other group understands we are nation of great imperfections yet, we don't give up striving to be the best we can be even if it takes trial and error to get there. When you mention the Founding Fathers to liberals, they go nuts over anyone refering to those white dead guys who are long gone. It takes conservatives to remind those liberals that those dead white guys INVENTED this nation, put this REPUBLIC on the map and to give all the rest of us the chance for true life, liberty and happiness as no other nation has ever done. The Founding Fathers offered us the PROMISE of a more perfect union, it was up to us to get it there.

    So Wendy, ask questions, listen well and speak out yourself. We can only get the masses to understand the facts when conservatives take time to share them.  Education occurs in many corridors in this land, not just Ivy league schools of thought and in university classrooms. Sometimes, the best classrooms are all around us. Even in a McDonald's in Lansing.

    Good job.


    Bridget Dupont-Tingley
    The Local Area Watch


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