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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Let's just abolish the legislature (none / 0) (#4)
    by goppartyreptile on Thu Oct 08, 2009 at 04:18:32 PM EST
    I mean, whenever we get mad and that populism gene rises up, the first thought it is to lash out at our legislature.

    Let's recap real quick:

    1) the GOP does not want to raise taxes, and is trying to buffer the HUGE shortfall we're going to have next year, and

    2)the Democrats do want to raise taxes, and expand the government even more.

    The only way this thing will be settled amicably is if the GOP caves... since the Dems have the House and the Executive.  ANd I don't just mean the governor, I mean the Civil Service and the Teachers and so on.

    So, our side is fighting, as they should be, and things are all screwed up.

    See, we fight because it's that important.

    But all too many folks get all wound up about our state "getting a black eye", and "too much partisanship", and "no leadership", and on ad nauseum.

    The real problem is that we are trying to show leadership, and in this situation we need to be more partisan... and the deadline is the only thing that can spur action.

    Keep in mind the Senate GOP passed their budgets in what, July?

    So, rather than fight the permanent government, and rather than try and get a handle on same government, our side will inevitably be pressured to cave... and then we'll all call them RINOs.

    And the solution will be to strip more powers away from the legislature, and make it even more of a rubber stamp to the bureaucr-- I mean-- governor, and in five years everyone will scratch their heads and ask "why isn't this working?"

    Let's quit wasting time.  I'm gonna get a petition together that states tht immediately upon election, all members of the legislature will be tarred and feathered and thrown in prison.

    And we'll dismantle our government all at once, and give all the power to the executive branch.

    Enough of this nickel and diming.

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