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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The real reason for failure. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 10, 2009 at 02:58:51 PM EST
    Teachers don't teach anymore they indoctrinate. Education is now agenda driven rather then goal oriented. We don't allow the teaching of courses that teach and prepare our kids to be productive, responsible citizens. This is of course by design. Once the left and LBJ established the Dept. of Education and took control of the schools things started going down hill. If I knew then what I know now my children would have never set foot in a government school or for that matter any college but Hillsdale College.
    Solutions are there. But the elites in the permanent political class will not turn lose of the control they have over millions of future Socialists. States including Michigan have to repudiate the federal control of our schools. An amendment needs to be passed and attached to the Michigan Constitution that prohibits the establishment of public sector unions. Lift all caps on charter schools and aprove a voucher system to allow the parents of children in failing schools to leave and find better ones. Promote and embrace home schooling. These kids are more mature, better educated and do better on tests and SATs then the majority of students educated in public schools. The time has come to tell for feds to take a hike. We don't need their money because it comes with to many strings attached and we pay to high a price in the end for bending to the will of the Nanny State Socialist that seek to destroy this nation and corrupt our youth. Another excellent way to cleanse the system is to end the practice of tenure. If a teacher is lousy, get rid of them. Let them operate under the same rules as the private sector. Perform or hit the road. We can make a difference by holding the elected class to a higher standard and tell them the days of mediocre being the standard are over. It is not good enough. We need to demand that the bar be raised and that the schools teach to the highest level of achievment rather then the lowest common denominator. We need to do better for our kids. We owe them a better deal and equip them to succeed with as many tools as we can. What with the Socialists in control in Washington they are going to need all the help we can get them.

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