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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Crippy's World (none / 0) (#1)
    by Eric T on Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 11:12:17 AM EST


    "The $500-per-worker credit for lower- and middle-income taxpayers that Obama outlined during his presidential campaign was scaled back to $400 during bargaining by the Democratic-controlled Congress and White House. Couples would receive $800 instead of $1,000. Over two years, that move would pump about $25 billion less into the economy than had been previously planned.

    Officials estimated it would mean about $13 a week more in people's paychecks when withholding tables are adjusted in late spring. Critics say that's unlikely to do much to boost consumption."

    I'd say, using the George Bush stimulus plan as a benchmark for what a good stimulus plan looks like, this one just is not as good. The $1,200 rebate check we got last year, actually put some money in your hand to go out and buy some new work boots, clothes, groceries, ect.. $13 buck a week, ain't going to stimulate much of anything

    The working man, gets no real break. It looks like they got some breaks for the super rich

    "But nothing could shake negotiators from insisting on including $70 billion to shelter middle- to upper-income taxpayers from the alternative minimum tax, originally passed a generation ago to make sure the super-rich didn't avoid taxes."

    And breaks for people that ain't workin

    "Millions of people receiving Social Security benefits would get a one-time payment of $250 under the agreement, along with veterans receiving pensions, and poor people receiving Supplemental Security Income payments."

    Tons of things in there to stimulate government, but at this point, It don't really look like it is going to revive industry or help the retail sector much if at all.

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