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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Chetly (none / 0) (#3)
    by Eric T on Sat Feb 28, 2009 at 07:03:42 PM EST
    You make a good point about the "sound of the wording", People will see for themselves that "as goes GM goes the nation". If the unions drive the big 3 into the ground, with unsustainable wages, retirement costs, healthcare costs. These unrealistic buyout packages ect..

    Unions for city workers and teachers ect.. ect.. can expect their demands to pretty much do the same thing and bankrupt the taxpayers in local communities, and cities across the country.  

    Workers just want the best for their families, and the harsh wording, may scare off some voters, that like the idea of less taxes, ect..
    Words like "workers choice", sound friendlier

    Sometimes you see something like this


    a free trader may say, that cute, neat, little affordable car is just what needs to be imported into the U.S

    A guy that makes a living building cars here, might have a totally different view. he might say, that car will put us all out of a job. or that car needs about a $7,500 import tariff to be competitive with American models.

    In the end the government has to decide if it wants more people working or more people on unemployment. Look at the stock prices for all the heavy industrial companies, it don't look to good. Letting them all fall on their face and go bankrupt, and relying on everything to be imported from foreign countries, doesn't seem like a good solution at all. What is everyone supposed to go to school to be a nurse?


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