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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nice stimulus package! (none / 0) (#12)
    by Eric T on Wed Mar 18, 2009 at 04:51:34 PM EST
    I think Candice Miller did a pretty good job with this.

    Michigan's unemployment rate is just downright embarrassing, and who can blame her for wanting to help get folks working again.

      Even though she may be compromising on a few fundamentalist conservative principles. Your gonna get alot more bang for the buck with this vs. giving 170 billion to AIG or some bank that is going to take your bail-out tax money, then turn around and charge you tons of interest on credit cards and mortgage interest.

    Candice Millers plan will have a real TRICKLE DOWN effect, that will stimulate the many different industries involved in building cars.
    Steel, Chemical Plants, tires, glass, and hundreds of parts suppliers, railroads, trucking companies, ect... many more people will benefit, from this.

    This is a much better plan than "cap and trade."

    When you think of all your tax money that is sent across the world to be spent on foreign aid, the U.N, and all kinds of programs that don't provide any value to you at all, then compare it with Candice Miller, cutting you a good deal on a new car. Which one would you rather have?

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