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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I saw this stuff coming (none / 0) (#4)
    by Chris Arndt on Wed Apr 01, 2009 at 01:24:49 PM EST
    This is why I voted no on the Proposal 1 last year.  I may be for Medical Marijuana but  also am in favor of clear, good laws.  Prop 1 was so poorly worded... it's just bad law.  I hate this kind of complicated shite.

    If we could achieve our goals without the local constabulary being utterly confused about what the hell is going on then that would be a lot more ideal.

    The whole point of a good medical marijuana law is to set clear limitations on the local and state law enforcement on what they can and cannot do to patients/users.  This law did not limit the police's powers adequately and clearly.

    That is why I voted No on it and why I thought everyone should... this will make it more difficult to get good protections on patients' rights in the future.

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