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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Horse Racing in Michigan (none / 0) (#6)
    by maninap on Sun May 24, 2009 at 10:54:46 PM EST
    I am going explain why you should pay attention to horse racing in Michigan, and why it is very important to rural Republicans.

    Michigan has a strong agricultural heritage, which must not be forgotten. First, you must understand the horse racing industry has never been a drain on the Michigan budget. Under previous leadership, it was a successful sustainable enterprise, profitable for the State of Michigan.

    In short there are several large betting tracks in Michigan, it is called para-mutual betting. The taxes from these tracks partly go into the general fund, industry building activities, and other programs (I will get to them latter).

    We all know that the general fund is, so we will skip on.

    For industry building activities, these tax dollars sponsor the purse (prize) money at the county fair colt stakes and overnights. Think of them as the minor leagues, or feeder system for the big tracks. Secondly, they sponsor breeder's awards. These cash awards are given to the breeders of successful horses to encourage them to produce more horses, breed better, etc. It is merit pay.

    For other activities, this sliver of tax dollars largely funds MSU extension, 4-H programs, and the 4-H county fairs.

    It is a nice system where the State of Michigan makes some money and the industry strengths itself and helps out the rural community.

    The problem is the State has been taking more and more of the money and cutting the share returned to the horseman. Two large para-mutual tracks have closed (Jackson and Saginaw), others are at risk. Fewer racing days means less money down the line. Few feeder races, means fewer good horses at the para-mutuals (less better show up). Fewer feeder races, fewer horses are needed. With fewer horses born, less materials of living (feed, vet care, trucks, barns, etc.) are bought in Michigan, bring the economy done one more peg.

    Finally, MSU extension and 4-H are in trouble. Most kids spend a whole year working on their 4-H project. Fair rides, displays, and judging are a big part of rural life. Our local Republican party took up a private collection so kids could have ribbons last year. Several fairs do not think they will have the money to even open. County level threats of budget cuts to MSU extension and 4-H brought out 300 people to a meeting room designed for 60.

    This is a hot topic in rural and farming communities. The present leadership in Lansing has been "milking" the horse racing industry for every dime it can get at the behest of the Casinos that do not want to co-exist. The biggest mistake the horse racing industry made was not fighting their arrival.

    I find it interesting that every time there is a cut or tax, it appears aimed squarely at punishing a Republican constituency or appears to be an attempt to derail something that works in Michigan.

    Think I am wrong? Check out how many Republican (several you have interviewed) and even a few Democrats support reforms to help the horse racing industry.

    NB: The office of the Racing Commissioner is an independent body that protects the betting public's interest, i.e. prevents cheating.

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