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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    No agenda, no partisan bs. Just about saving lives (none / 0) (#3)
    by brandonhall on Tue Aug 11, 2009 at 01:47:14 AM EST
    Sir, driving with an unsafe record is a privilege, not a right like self defense. You have no "right to drive drunk" in the same sense of you have a right to shoot the guy who broke in and is headed your way. Please don't make assumptions about how I feel on the 2nd Amendment.

    Are attempted murder charges a slippery slope because we base them on the life ending capability of the offense? I think not. And chronic negligent drunk driving is a clear, and present danger to the public at large that demands legislative remedy.

    And these people realize what they're doing, enough of "well they can't tell if they're drunk." They made choices and subsequently decided to go out in public. No right exists to take a few shots, risk being over the BAC, and drive home. If you're busted,you're busted and good, who knows who you would have killed in even the two miles home. you knew what you were doing!

    Also of note, this program targets individuals who are driving RECKLESSLY just by driving. Those INDIVIDUAL CHOICES when busted by a cop demand an appropriate response. Not a big government takeover. No agenda other than saving lives. A device on the car allows for the person to have more freedom. Driving to work, the family around, wherever beats a suspended license. Device also doesn't even let a person drive with an UNSAFE TO THE PUBLIC BAC...You have no right to be on the roads while impaired!

    I respectfully submit to you these are in the interest of public safety. Period.  And smart government. Offenders fund the program, and it's shown double digit success where used.


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