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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Nice (none / 0) (#1)
    by JGillman on Sat Oct 30, 2010 at 10:21:00 AM EST
    I was retty sure it was over 500, maybe even pushing the 600 mark, but you may be closer.

    Was talking to Lloyd Marcus about how Granholm was Obama, before Obama,and he mentioned something he noticed I had not.. "The mall here is a pretty good indicator."  How strange that my being used to this new reality made the appearance of an empty boarded up mall so 'normal', that I would not have already noticed.

    In any event, the TPX does a pretty good job of bringing the 'song and dance' back into the political process.  Their program is both entertaining and motivating for some.  They are also quite real folks who will facebook friend you back as quick as you might ask.

    Think of taking a group of RightMichigan.com readers tossing them in a bus, telling em to write a song or two about what they believe, and you have the type of make up that is the TPX.  Perhaps its one of the reasons folks can relate so easily.  They are likable because we can relate.

    BTW.. I went to the DR Steele TPX rally in Monroe as well.  I ran into him while he pumping gas across the street.  Seemed to be unassuming and greeted with a "Hi I'm Rob."  

    About 400-450 at the Monroe rally, which surprised the TPX organizers who truly didn't expect more than a handful because the venue was short planned.  Needless to say the Steele team did a nice job with traffic control, and the crowd as usual... was awesome.

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