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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    One of the first things (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Sat Nov 06, 2010 at 01:08:19 PM EST
    That our Governor-elect needs do once he is in office is to kindly tell Washington District of Corruption and Congresscritter John Dingell what he can do with that stupid high speed rail service plan. We don't need it and it will be another in a continuing drain on the resources of the country. AM-Trak and Conrail are two of the biggest boondoogles this country ever funded and to keep this in existance is a crime against the people. Another one of those Progressive feel good plans that cost billions and gives little benefit to anyone. Michigan does not need a rail service between Battle Creek and Detroit. There are buses leaving hourly and the current subsidised rail service will surfice in light of the limited useage it has now. No need to spend more to accommodate a very small segement of the population. It is a waste of money, what Washington and Dingell do best. Maybe we need to call Governor elect Synder and start pushing for that project to be scrapped. Besides what on earth would anyone want to go to Detroit for? What is there to see. Are they doing slum tours now? Teaching classes on Progressive urban blight creation?

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