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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Mary Mulhern (none / 0) (#6)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Dec 30, 2010 at 12:31:36 AM EST
    Okay, "First Gentleman" incompetence joking aside... it'd be foolish to ignore what happens when the political class exercises their clout cards to spool up frenzy within their socialist following.

    Granholm is slated to come to Tampa on Feb. 17 to stump for [Mary] Mulhern, a candidate in District 2, according to her campaign manager Mitch Kates. Why is Granholm campaigning for a municipal office in a state 1,000 miles away? Well, it's all in the family: Granholm is married to Mulhern's brother, Dan.

    It's also interesting to note in the article the name Chuck Levin.  Well, Chuck, or Charles J. Levin hails from Chevy Chase, Maryland, of which, Chevy Chase, Maryland residency issues haunt Sander Levin.  Relatives?  It's within reason that a connection could be made.

    Final results are still being tabulated, but according to Kates, the event raised more than $5,500. Among those on hand: Art Keeble, executive director of the Arts Council of Hillsborough County; Chuck Levin, co-founder of the Tampa Gallery of Photographic Arts; and Inkwood Books store owner Carla Jimenez.

    Bottom line.  Progressivism is mental disorder.

    Yep, Mary & her hubby Cam Dilley, like Jenny & Danny Mulholm, have a LibTarded progressive base in Florida to make unemployable too.

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