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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I guess that I'll start. (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Sun Dec 05, 2010 at 03:20:32 PM EST
    Looking back, I worked with Michigan Citizens for Healthcare Freedom gathering signatures to amend our Constitution to put the brakes on Obamacare.

    I was disappointed that it didn't make it in the end, but I was impressed with what was accomplished with the time and resources available.

    I wasn't very impressed with most of the field of candidates running for office last November (I guess that keeping an eye on our Capitol Critters will be on my '11 "to do" list).

    My prognostications for '11?

    With Michigan's economy swirling faster and faster around the drain, I fully expect more and more local politicians to be exploring for new and innovative ways to shake me down for more money.

    One example: I fully expect to see groups like SEMCOG and the MML actively pushing for Prop A and Headlee to be "tweaked" so that gov't can collect more revenue.

    Dove-tailing on that point, I also expect Gov. Snyder to sign off on that, or some other tax hike, to deal with the fiscal train wreck coming his way and fill that $1.6-billion hole.

    On a state/nat'l level, with regards to Obamacare, I understand that AG Scheutte will be carrying on the legal fight against it. I have no reason to doubt his commitment to that end, but hearing about a ruling like this (from Virginia, no less), is really giving me cause for concern about what passes for "knowledgeable" people who supposedly have a handle on what the powers and duties of the federal government really are.

    Nationally, even though Republicans have control of the House, I'm beginning get a stronger feeling that they have not learned their lessons on why they were kicked out in '06 & '08.

    Rep Bachmann is right, the GOP will ultimately go the way of the Whig's if they don't (which I feel will happen in the end of '11).

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