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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The lakes run far colder than either the river or (none / 0) (#5)
    by Sway21 on Tue Jul 06, 2010 at 12:21:08 AM EST
    the ship canal.

    And waterborne transportation is not easily substituted for by land forms.  Aside from being the most economical form of transportation it is also the most capable of heavy lifts and sheer volume of cargo.

    You don't unload a ship onto a train; you unload a ship's cargo onto multiple trains.  One barge may carry in excess of five hundred tons of grain; how many trucks are you going to need for that?

    The $3 million fish kill required for the electric fence maintenance resulted in 90 tons of dead fish and yielded one dead carp.

    The food these carp feed on, plankton, occurs largely in the shallower waters of the Great Lakes, lending further credence to their unsuitability for winter survival in those quick to freeze shallower waters.  The most likely effect they would have on the waters of the Great Lakes is to make them clearer.

    The Chicago Ship and Sanitary Canal is responsible for in excess of $1 billion in shipping annually.  That's over 1 billion reasons to study the matter more thoroughly before panicking.

    Btw, the common carp we know so well, a destructive to plant life bottom feeder, was introduced to American waters by the US government in the early nineteenth century, from........China.


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