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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Damn, I hate it when I'm right. (none / 0) (#8)
    by KG One on Thu Jan 20, 2011 at 10:13:37 AM EST
    Last night's speech...no real surprise there.

    Where was the talk about addressing the upcoming $1.85 billion deficit? Or even, gasp, that structural deficit that will haunt future budgets?

    Where was the talk about getting the gov't salaries and benefits in line with the private sector?

    Where was the talk about the regional oversight  of DWSD?

    And specifics.

    15x15: How can you possibly convince ANY educated person to move into Detroit? A city that cannot provide even the most basic of government services to the citizens it represents (downsizing is on its future agenda), to say nothing about the joke of a public school system.

    Yes, you've convinced DOT that Canadian money can be used in place of Michigan Taxpayer Money. But how solid is that promise? Also, the 402 argument really hurt your position rather than help it. Trucks didn't have any problems getting over the bridge. They had problems going down the highways that lead up to and away from the Blue Water Bridge on the Canadian side.

    Health care: Care to go into more detail that claim near the beginning of the speech about providing greater access to primary care? Obamacare-lite?

    And I'm not going to re-hash the other areas already mentioned.

    I didn't expect much so I really wasn't disappointed.

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