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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A couple of suggestions: (none / 0) (#6)
    by RushLake on Wed Dec 14, 2011 at 12:17:37 PM EST
    All State employees that interact with the taxpayers and property owners must provide their full first and last name to the taxpayer/property owner. If they are away from their desk, their answering machine message must include the full name of their immediate supervisor and supervisor's phone number. All public employees to be constantly monitored by their supervision to assure the employee is courteous, returns calls in a timely manner, and follows up, and that supervision's performance review to include a rating on such performance.

    The creation of a position accountable to the legislature in some fashion. That position to be a civil engineer with the authority to review all public works jobs. That position to have the authority to terminate on the spot without recourse by the terminatee if such terminatee is found to not be performing his/her assigned/contracted duties. That position to have the responsibility to monitor progress of all such public jobs (roads, bridges, etc.) and assess fines against contractors who are not performing in a timely and proficient manner.

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