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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A list of demands from WI Dems?!?! (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Feb 18, 2011 at 12:12:08 AM EST
    I honestly have never seen anything so f#@%ing bizarre in my life.

    State Senator Mark Miller, a member of the missing band of Wisconsin Democratic lawmakers who fled Madison Thursday to avoid a vote on a budget bill, called into CNN with the group's list of demands for Republican Gov. Scott Walker.

    Miller, a state senator since 2004, would not disclose where he and his colleagues were hiding out, saying only "we are in what we consider a secure location outside the capital. We are not all in one place at this time."

    WTF kind of bizarro cowardly sh!t is that?  I sure as hell hope that TEA Partiers are watching for those 14 hostage takers of the function of government and turn their rat bastard commie asses whereabouts in to state police.

    "We demand that the provisions that completely eliminate the ability of workers... to negotiate on a fair basis with their employers be removed from the budget repair bill and any other future budget," Miller said.

    He also demanded legislative oversight on changes to the state's medical programs, which are targeted for changes in the bill. The bill would also require union members to contribute to their health care and pensions.

    Their justification for being Service Dodgers?

    "The economy's recovering and the governor is completely ignoring the fact that we have a... recovery going," Miller said. "The only thing that hasn't recovered has been the rate of unemployment."

    Ah yes, those pesky little details like unemployment...

    Miller maintained that, by leaving Madison to evade a vote on the budget-repair bill, the lawmakers are "trying to allow an opportunity for democracy to work."

    The number of teachers protesting in Wisconsin, according to union representatives, in the name of better serving the students of the state, has also shut down many public schools this week.

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