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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    And a Centrist Newt would do... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Mar 28, 2011 at 03:26:51 PM EST
    ...no better than the Obungler-in-Chief.

    It's typical Centrists and their "pragmatic" bullsh!t like the GoverNerd who was against picking winners and losers....

    "The (business tax) incentives have largely been a political gimmick," Snyder said in his only debate with Bernero. "The idea that we're going out to bring a few large companies here with massive incentives is not the answer."

    He has some experience with tax incentives.

    Snyder was the first chairman of the Michigan Economic Development Corp., which administers the Michigan Economic Growth Authority tax credit program--the state's primary incentive program.

    He also is the co-founder of a venture capital firm that invested in HandyLab, a medical device manufacturer that was approved for a $627,000 MEGA tax credit in 2007 to create 56 new jobs in Ann Arbor. Snyder was not on the MEDC board when the tax incentive was granted.

    But he was chairman of HandyLab when the business was sold last year to a New Jersey company, Becton, Dickinson and Co., which recently announced it is shutting down HandyLab's Ann Arbor operation and moving the jobs to Maryland.

    ...before the GoverNerd is for it.

    Snyder told The Detroit News on Friday that Michigan may need to invest more to attract businesses.

    It marks the first sign of movement on his controversial tax and spending plan, which has spawned Capitol protests. The budget has drawn concerns from big-city mayors in the state who use the business tax credits Snyder wants to spike to try to revitalize their aging communities.

    "We might have too small a pot there," Snyder said, referring to funds set aside in his budget to attract new industry to Michigan. "Fifty million may not be adequate."


    On the industry incentives, Snyder would not say how much larger he thought the $50 million pot should be.

    Industry tax credits, not counting film industry credits, have totaled about $200 million a year in recent years, roughly four times what Snyder has proposed.

    Yep, that'll float some more taxpayer monies to places like Flint, Lansing and the Congo of Detroit because no same person would open business there unless they were paid like the Detroit cops with free houses to live there.

    The real money quote?

    Snyder has consistently defended his budget plan by saying he is following through on promises he made during the election campaign.

    But he conceded Friday he never said anything about taxing pensions.

    Asked if such a move was part of his thinking during the campaign, Snyder said he "didn't go through any analysis" of a pension tax.

    He didn't say?  LOL  Well there's a big no sh!t or we'd prolly be sitting with Bernero as governor.  But, one thing for sure... the Snyder corporate snake side is shining through.

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