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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Those who fail to learn from the lessons of histor (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Wed Apr 06, 2011 at 08:28:40 PM EST
    "Meth is not going away until we put controls on (pseudoephedrine)," said Tony Saucedo, head of the Michigan State Police methamphetamine investigation unit."I'd like to shake (Lori's) hand."

    I'm sorry, but since when did it fall within the purview of government to mandate these asinine laws to begin with?

    I'm serious here.

    I was under the impression that Republicans were for limited government?

    Claiming to stand for limited government flies right in the face what State Rep. Lori-r is proposing for his 15-minutes of media fame.

    I really could care less if someone if using cold medicine to recreate the electric kool aid acid test or to...gasp, treat the symptoms of a cold for a family member or themselves.

    Placing yet even more barriers between me and purchasing a lawful product smacks of a nanny-state, regardless of which party is behind it.

    And Mr. Sauceto's comments display a glaring ignorance of American History.

    The nanny-state tried placing "controls" on things before. Remember how swell prohibition worked when that was the law of the land?

    Maybe after someone wakes him from his Eliot Ness-esque stupor, they should fill him in on how that plan turned out.

    And sorry, Jason.

    Not only does the government have absolutely no compelling interest in my buying habits whatsoever at the corner drug store (which includes ANY gov't mandated/monitored tracking system), but it also lacks the authority.

    Do the republicans in Lansing need to be reminded of that fact as well?

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