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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Counting down . . . (none / 0) (#47)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Wed Aug 03, 2011 at 09:29:47 AM EST
    . . . to August 13th (just because I know that Nick loves countdown math):

    In an e-mail sent out from Herman Cain to his supporters:

    It is just me, or is it more and more apparent with each passing day that it's time for some "Common Sense Solutions" in Washington, DC?

    Last week, in the midst of all the debt ceiling talks and negotiations, President Obama outlined his vision for CAFÉ Standards of over 50 miles per gallon.  The United States is on the verge of a major economic crisis and he wants to talk about car mileage.

    • We have the possibility of our AAA Bond rating being lowered, and President Obama wants to talk about miles per gallon.

    • We have over 14 million people unemployed, yet he wants to talk about fuel efficiency.

    • With wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and conflicts in Lybia and other parts of the world, this President demands to talk about CAFÉ standards.

    As someone who has a record of turning failing organizations around, I can tell you that President Obama is not working on the right problem.

    It's my goal that in just over 16 months, I'll replace President Obama.

    However, I need your help to do so.

    There are just [10 days] until the all-important Iowa GOP Ames Straw Poll.  And, in just a couple days from now I will be launching my "Common Sense Solutions" bus tour across Iowa.  We will be making over 18 stops leading up to the straw poll on Saturday, August 13.

    Do you believe its time for Common Sense and Real Leadership in Washington?  If so, I'm asking you to donate just $8.13 in honor of, and to help us with, our final plans for the August 13th Ames Straw Poll.

    Other candidates and campaigns are spending lavishly on the straw poll, including running TV Ads, Radio Ads, and more.  I don't believe this process should be about who spends the most money.  But, I do need your help to remain competitive and hope you will consider donating any amount to our efforts for the straw poll.

    Real change in Washington starts with the grassroots ... individuals like you.  Thank you for everything you have done and are doing for our cause!

    Together, we will take back our government!

    Herman Cain

    Hmm, I think I've got that much laying around in spare change.  Perhaps it's time for my very first contribution to a 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate.


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